There is this church in our neighborhood that is up for sale and we are interested in buying it, but should we be? I'm scared about being locked into a building and having it determine what we can and can't do. But here is what we like about it.
-fellowship hall for an after school program
-fellowship hall that can be a community center
-fellowship hall where kids can wait for the bus on cold days
-fellowship hall for weekly church dinners
-sanctuary with pews, which can all be ripped out
-it is in our neighborhood
-close to the park
-shows the neighborhood we are in this for the long haul
-I could still walk to work
-24 hour place of prayer
What we don't like about it
-cost $250,000
-not handicaped excesible
-long narrow sanctuary, not round like I would rather have
-too much parking, we're a neighborhood church!
-even harder to convince people that the church is the called out ones, not a building.
-gas bill, electric bill, water bill, leaky pipes bill, leaky roof bill, vandalism...
-whose gonna take care of it?
Does anybody out there have any thoughts or prayers on this one?