Saturday, May 07, 2005

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

For all of my friends who remember Eric Frey. He is now the youth pastor at St. Pauls and might be on TV tomorrow night.
Nazarene ties to this week's Extreme Makeover: Home EditionKansas City—As reported in the April 8 edition of NCN News, Kansas City’s St. Paul’s Church of the Nazarene recently played a major supporting role in the production of an upcoming episode of ABC’s Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Originally speculated to air May 15, the episode will air May 8. St. Paul’s Church, who provided use of their facilities to the ABC team, will hold a community watch-party for the show. According to St. Paul’s pastor Caleb Reynolds, the church will likely receive some attention in Home Makeover follow-up show How'd They Do That? set to air in May 9.
Reynolds said ABC approached the church asking to use their facilities to help with the production. “The back entrance to the church is a hundred yards or so from the house they renovated,” Reynolds said. “They blocked off the entire street between our lot and the job site so that construction crews could have dedicated use of the road.”
Initially, ABC had only asked for use of the church’s parking lot and back yard.
“We offered to let them eat in our gym and use our newly-renovated kitchen if it would be helpful,” stated Reynolds. “They took us up on the offer, and during construction we served as the dining hall for 300-400 volunteer construction workers, cast, crew, and contractors that were contributing their efforts to the show. Many of the volunteer workers are from the Kansas City metro area, so we felt it was very important for us to be able to make contact with them in a setting like this.
“We have been praying that God would show us ways that we can connect the resources of our church to the needs of our community. I think this opportunity was God answering those prayers.”
Reynolds called the experience rewarding and said that the ABC team was extremely appreciative of using the church facilities.
Both shows air at 8 p.m. Eastern time on their respective nights.

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