Thursday, January 26, 2006


Last week I preached on 1 Cor 7:29-31 which says in part, "those who mourn, as if they did not; those who are happy, as if they were not...For this world in its present form is passing away. " I said lots of things about this, probably even some pretty good stuff, but not what tugs at my heart when I read that.

I think about Lucy some nights and I cry. I really hurt for her. Yet when I read that passage I'm reminded that downs is only for this life, in heaven all our tears will be wiped away. Some times I think about Lucy and get real excited. I dream about her winning Little Miss Knox County at the Fair, about her lighting up our neighborhood with her smile, and about her dancing and singing on Broadway. Yet I know when I read this passage that even if all that takes place that is not where our hope lies and all that is nothing compared to our inheritance in heaven.

I try to keep this life in perspective. It's tough sometimes.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I might write a book

Today, as I was holding Lucy, a book idea came to my mind. Like an idea for me to write a book. Nothing huge, just a small book of theology for the average person. It would address how one should properly look at down syndrome and other birth defects (I'm not even sure if downs is technically a birth defect), specifically how do we see and understand God in the midst of having a child with downs.

I wouldn't want it to be a "our journey" type of book, though it would doubtless have some of that in there, but a book that really helps people understand God, especially in the midst of having a child with downs. One of the first chapters would be on the fall and how that plays a role in downs, and one of the last would be on heaven and everything being made new.

It won't get started on it tell I'm done with seminary this June, and for that matter it might not ever get started. I just want to tell the world what I think is a correct theology, and a correct theology is a lot better than this pop theology (God only gives angels like her to great parents like you) that sounds good at first, but causes a lot more problems latter on.

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Someone in my class said today, "All the beatitudes are impractical." He wasn't saying they aren't what we are supposed to do, just that they are impractical. I'm left wondering... Especially in light of my last post.

by the way I think I'm a pacifist.

Be successful and carry your cross?

We are so pragmatic. We want to do things to be successful. So we do things to help us be successful without much thought to what we should be doing. The cross wasn’t very pragmatic. Why do we do church in such a way that is only geared to being successful. Why can’t we do it in such a way that is geared towards being faithful?

We hear all this stuff about numbers, why not more about the marginalized. We hear all this stuff about numbers, why not more about justice. We hear all this stuff about numbers, why not more about loving your neighbor. If we care about the marginalized, fighting for justice, and loving our neighbor we might find ourselves on a cross and not in a large growing church. Yet we are people of the Resurrection and the gift of Pentecost; I wonder where that leads us?

Friday, January 13, 2006

Almost done...

I walked out of my house tonight to go to my weekend class at Ashland and I'm just tired. I want to go cause it's the class I've looked forward to the most at seminary (history and thought of the Christian Peace Position), but I'm just pooped. I want to be done with seminary, though at the same time I love it. I just keep thinking get through March and life will slow down a bit, well at least in my dream world it will...

Oh by the way, I go to Israel in March for one of my last classes. Ten day study tour with Dr. Byron and a bunch of good friends. Only bad thing is that I have to leave behind Mandy and Lucy. Not sure how I'm gonna handle that one just yet...

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Well I went to see the monster trucks and I guess the bes t way you could describe it is to say it is a cross between the county fair (rough truck, demolition derby... kind of stuff) and a clean WWE. My little brother loved it, so it was worth it for me.

I went over to the MVNU gym today to walk with Lucy. I realized yesterday I never got beyond our front porch and that I had to get some exercise. I put Lucy in one of those carrying things that straps her to me and went walking. To be honest I felt a little weird as people probably wondered about me, but I really didn't care in the end. I didn't care so much I bought a chocolate muffin before I left at that little cafe thing they had there. I eat terrible and need to fix something quick. E Stetler you need to come up here and fix me with your healthy ways.

I love my daughter. I'm so proud of her and I find out more and more that I forget about here chromosones. I even catch myself dreaming big dreams for her future just like any parent would for their kid. Their probably a tad bit unrealistic, but then again, aren't most parents? I dream she'll sing and dance on Broadway someday. I thank God for her everyday.

I think God has healed her. Not in that she doesn't have downs anymore or that she won't have any problems associated with it, I just believe God has healed her. I can't even describe what I mean when I say that I just believe God has healed her. Thank you Father! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 05, 2006


I locked myself in my basement today. I had to take the door off the hinges to get out.

Strange Request

Tomorrow night (Friday 1/6) I'm taking my little brother from Big Brothers/Big Sisters to go see the Monster Trucks at Nationwide Arena. Now I'm not sure if anybody who reads this blog has any connections at Nationwide or in the Monster Truck Circuit, but it anybody does could you pull some strings for me and get us pit passes for tomorrow night? I could really care less about getting close to the big trucks, but I know my little would love it. I know that they have an open pit on Saturday afternoon, but we can't go that day. Any help would be appreciated. Call me 740 392 3197 or email me with an info or help.