Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I might write a book

Today, as I was holding Lucy, a book idea came to my mind. Like an idea for me to write a book. Nothing huge, just a small book of theology for the average person. It would address how one should properly look at down syndrome and other birth defects (I'm not even sure if downs is technically a birth defect), specifically how do we see and understand God in the midst of having a child with downs.

I wouldn't want it to be a "our journey" type of book, though it would doubtless have some of that in there, but a book that really helps people understand God, especially in the midst of having a child with downs. One of the first chapters would be on the fall and how that plays a role in downs, and one of the last would be on heaven and everything being made new.

It won't get started on it tell I'm done with seminary this June, and for that matter it might not ever get started. I just want to tell the world what I think is a correct theology, and a correct theology is a lot better than this pop theology (God only gives angels like her to great parents like you) that sounds good at first, but causes a lot more problems latter on.


Anonymous said...

Do it! I edit it for you.

Love you,


Anonymous said...

I don't know why I think I can edit
for you. I can't even spell!
