One of the interesting things that comes with having a child born with down syndrome is all of the poor theology that you hear from people as they comfort you. The best being a form of "God only gives kids with down syndrome to parents He can trust." I'm not saying I mind hearing it and I appreciate the affirmation we have received from so many people in that form, but deep down inside I know it's not true. For starters I'm sure there are plenty of people ahead of me that I would trust with Lucy (not that I would let anyone else have her, she's our's and no one can have her!). But in all reality plenty of bad parents have had kids with down syndrome and the kids have suffered for it. So I don't buy into that theology, though I still appreciate what I know people mean when they say it (so if you have said that to us and our reading this, don't worry about it, we know what you meant and thank you for it). People have been very kind to us in word and deed over these past two weeks and we are so greatful to them all.
Lucy's down syndrome isn't a result of God. It is a result of the fall and of sin. We live in a broken world and bad things happen. God didn't give us a child with down syndrome. God gave us a child who happens to have suffered some of the effects of the fall. When her cells first started to divide they made some mistakes that left her with an extra chromosone on her twenty first set. Thus she has down syndrome: not from God, but because the fall has affected every part of us, even down to how our cells divide at conseption.
So where is the hope? Our God works all things for the good for those who love and serve Him! That's the theology Mandy and I are resting in today. Not in a God who gives us a child with down syndrome, but in a God who will work wonders we can't even imagine or even ask for in a child who suffers, in a more visible way than most, from the fall. And He already has! He is a good God and we praise Him for His faithfullness to our family!
We see the eye and hearts doctors this week, please pray for her eyes and hearts. That her eyes may be 20/20 (or whatever new born eyes need to be) and that she may see with the eyes of God as she lives. That her heart may be perfectly healthy and that she would have the heart of God for the world around her.
I couldn't agree more. I do know that Lucy Kay is very blessed to have you and Mandy as her parents. I am so excited to watch and see how Lucy will bless others lives. Not in spite of her having down's syndrome, but because of it.
Mandy T.
Kevin and Mandy. We are still keeping you present in our thoughts and always in our prayers.
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