Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Paline

Now I'm not saying this is going to influence how I will vote or even if it will cause me to vote. But to see a woman on stage who is running for VP along with her child who has Down Syndrome brings a tear to my eye. In some small way I may have an understanding of how African Americans now feel with Barack Obama so close to the presidency.


EF + said...

I can't pretend to understand the joy you are experiencing. I think my only problem with Paline is that I am not sure I'd want her for president. Considering the JM will be 72 if/when he takes the oath of office, and if he gets re-elected then he will serve until he is 80yrs old. I think there is a reasonable chance that the person tabbed VP by McCain will likely take over as president at some point. Do I have a problem with Paline for VP? NO! Am I ready for her to be President? I don't know. I don't know enough about her. I never heard of her before a week ago.

Now I have no problem with "lack of experience." I think her time as a mayor and then a governor give her enough experience in my book. That experience plus the fact that she is not a Washingtonian make her very attractive as a candidate in my book (more experience than BO and less Washingtonian than BO). The GOP had better start running her out all over the place. I need to hear her visions and dreams. I need to hear her version of what America can be. I need to know her story.

I think it was a high-risk/high-reward move for JM. Only time will tell how it pans out.

Ryan Schmitz said...

Sorry I missed you on Monday, we were interviewing someone. Hopefully things will begin to slow down some soon.

EF + said...

How did the VP debate go over for you? I found myself extremely nauseated (sp?). I was sick listen to Biden and the same old same old political machine rolling on. I was sick listening to Paline and her ridiculous colloquialisms. If I heard "darn right," or "gee golly," or "shout out" one more time, I would have thrown up.

Neither helped their cause in my book.