Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Presidents and MRDD

When Obama lost in New Hampshire I said I was more disappointed about that then when on the same night (or a night close to it) Ohio State lost in the National Title game, which is saying a lot since I like the Bucks so much. Last night Obama lost some pretty big states, but does that make me depressed? Well of course I wished he would have won, but how could I be depressed when I got to hear Walter Bruggemann speak at MVNU last night. Hearing someone talk about the Kingdom of God and the other way of life it gives provides so much hope that nothing, especially your favorite political candidate losing, could ever have the possibility of taking that away from you.

Hears to imagining and living the Kingdom life regardless of who lives in the White House!

Also, thanks to all those who supported and/or voted for the MRDD Levy. It only passed by 286 votes here in Knox County, but we’ll take it. Obviously my family has a vested interest in our local board of MRDD, but as I have learned over the last several years we all really have a vested interest in it.

Here’s to people with disabilities showing us the Kingdom of God!


EF + said...

So fill us in on the Breuggemann lecture. What did he talk about?

Relating to the Obama issue, I find the results astounding. The only counties where Obama won were counties with a large urban core. Franklin (Columbus), Cuyahoga (Cleveland), Hamilton (Cincinnati), and Montgemry (Dayton). The only exception was Deleware County. What is even more astonishing is that Obama did the worst in the most rural/appalachain counties, recevicing 20% or less of the vote: Gallia, Jackson, Lawrence, Meigs, Pike, Scioto and Vinton.

So, I just wonder, was this election about issues, experience, change, or race?

Anonymous said...

Yay for the Knox MRDD levy! I don't know if you heard about Franklin county, but we passed 69% to 31%. I was pretty excited about that. Thank you for believing that the Kingdom is seen in people with disabilities. So true...

Anonymous said...

that was many f. by the way. you probably knew that.