Friday, February 08, 2008

Prosperity Gospel

What do you think? And not about Piper in general, but about what he says here.


myoldblog2009 said...

eric stet and I had a conversation about symbols tonight (mostly me talking and he listening). regardless, it is interesting to hate the prosperity gospel, to preach against it, all while wearing a suit and tie. he should look more communist like me, or more amish, like eric wanted to look like (kerri put her foot down about the bowl cut!).

i certainly don't disagree with piper, but I do want to allow room for an understanding that God does care for us, even more than the birds and the flowers, should we choose to depend on him, and not on ourselves or our systems. and because of that, we should also be caring for all the many needs around us - which is a more complicated issue in a globalized world - especially when our lifestyle choices are so intertwined with the oppression of an entire other country or culture.

Daniel Coutz said...

I really enjoyed the video (and not just because they had one of my favorite songs in the background). I don't think i've ever really heard any other stuff by this guy, but he had a lot of good stuff to say and I agreed with him.