Sunday, December 02, 2007

Why I hate watching sports.

Actually, the reason I hate watching sports is because I love it so much. I just got finished watching the Browns game that ended, in my opinion, on a terrible call. The call, which was a judgment call, cost the Browns the game. If the right call was made the Browns would have won the game and would have been in great position to make the playoffs, now getting into the playoffs are going to take some work. The reason I hate watching sports in that I got really fired up about that final call. How can a stupid game make me so mad. The official didn't make the wrong call on pupose, but in my mind I ripped him a new one.

And what's the worst injustice that I fight against lately? College footballs refusal to go to a playoff system. Because of money college football won't go to a playoff system that would allow all teams a chance to win it all instead of who the voters think should be in the national title game. I say screw the bowls and let's have a 16 team playoff system in place as soon as possible. I love telling people about it and I get really frustrated that the powers that be are so in love with money that they refuse to give the college football fan what they really want and really deserve. The injustice of it all.

I got issues. Sports shouldn't have that place in my life. They shouldn't be allowed to control my emotions in such a way. They should be fun to watch and should be left on the field. I should care about the true injustices in the world. As I write this I am watching sixty minutes which just had a story about Christians in Iraq, well there's really not many Christians in Iraq anymore. Before the invasion there were over a million, but because of intense persecution most are either dead now or refugees in Syrian ghettos.

I'm not saying I shouldn't watch sports or that I should let every injustice in the world constantly depress me, I just need to keep things in perspective. I got to work on my issues.

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