Thursday, June 08, 2006

Another post

Done with seminary, graduated last Saturday. Today's is Mandy's last day of teaching, she's only teaching half time next year. I just read something written about me by someone who doesn't know me very well. People have to be careful doing stuff like that cause my head got so big it almost burst. I had to remember what our graduation speaker told us, "don't believe what people say about you." I think that is some good advice. I leave for Florida on Sunday for a week of vacation. When I come back I look forward to being something like a full time pastor. I really appreciated hof's post on focusing on bringing justice on the micro level and letting the macro level flow out of that. It was pretty interesting considering I just called Rep. Ney's office and asked him to vote for more money for Darfur. Hof said most people interested in social justice don't even know what the justice issues are in their own communities. At first I didn't even think I knew of any in my little town, but then I was able to think of a few. I hope I have the courage to fight for justice and not sell out. After reading Irresistable Revolution I really wanted to get arrested for some kind of social justice issue, but Mandy reminded me that is just a form of urban pride (but we live in rural america). I'm still thinking about joining the Christian Peacemaking Teams ( Maybe a group of us could join together? I'm currently reading Resident Aliens (by Hauerwas and Willimon) right now, good stuff so far. I just can't help but thinking if we would actually realize we our only resident aliens it would help us live so much more faithfully. There's a bunch of sorta scattered, random thoughts for you.


urBenLA said...

let's do it. I am down. let's "get in the way". I'm in Gahanna now, so you and the wif and daught should stop by. (or vice versa)

Anonymous said...

Graduated, huh? Congrats. As to the team, what would that entail? I'm finishing up here in a few months, you know.