Sunday, December 18, 2005


So today in our church service we had 19 people. The fewest amount of people we've had in a long time, but we knew it would be that small with the holidays and such. But everyone there was like family, all committed Christ followers. I didn't care we were so small, instead we adapted and did things that we can't do when we have a large crowd. I felt like we worshiped this morning. I felt like we were who we were suppossed to be as the people of God in the West End of Mount Vernon.

Yet on Sundays when we have lots of people (lots for us is 50-60) and non Christ followers present we do things different. We're not so bold to do things that the people of God do. For enstance today we gathered in a circle with held hands and people prayed as they felt led. If we had visitors there I would have felt reluctant to do some of that or other simular stuff at the risk of making them feel uncomfortable.

So my point in all of this is that I worry that I let visitors, especially the non Christian ones, dictate how we practice being the people of God. It causes me so much confusion because we all have such a strong desire to reach out into the lost world, but in doing that we have this tendency to lose sight of who we are to be as the people of God. Another example: a few weeks ago a neighbor came to church with us and during my "pastoral prayer" I was tempted to not be so radical or bold so I wouldn't make her think we were too radical in our faith. I shook off the temptation and prayed the way I needed to, but still the temptation was there. Reaching out to the world around us in part of what we need to be as the people of God, but it is not supposed to form who we are as the people of God. I'm confused.

1 comment:

James said...

I think you stumbled upon the old "what is the purpose of the gathering of God's people" question. We did a huge emphasis on this "Narnia Sunday" last week and had huge attendance, but it was almost all regulars (3 visitors... which is actually kind of funny).

I was talking to my friend about it this morning and he somewhat innocently commented that it was a "good show" on Sunday. It hit me once again, what are we doing?!?! Why are we gathering. It isn't for the lost. It isn't even for the found. It is for the Father. The filter for Sundays (or anytime we gather with the purpose of worship) is... "How does each element truly GLORIFY GOD?" And we must ask this honestly without justifying unglorifying aspects of our gathering.

Honestly, the lost will be uncomfortable, and so will some of the found, when this happens, but I don't think it matters. I think it is #1 for God, #2 for the believer and #0 for unbelievers... I think we reach "them" outside of that environment, through relationships... basically what you have set the example for through your lifestyle the past 6 years.

I will start practicing that more faithfully someday.